Today, as a result of the extensive use of information technology in all areas of its activities, society has become vulnerable to cyberattacks, which are increasingly becoming an effective tool for achieving the goal of non-forceful control and management of both critical infrastructure facilities of the state, enterprises, and individuals and their associations. Therefore, at the current stage of science and technology development, cybersecurity is becoming one of the most urgent tasks in a high-tech society.
A cybersecurity specialist develops software and hardware systems to protect communication networks and electronic databases, tests and improves own and third-party developments to avoid the risks of information leakage constituting state or commercial secrets confidential information, designs integrated information security systems and manages information security for both small commercial firms and large banking institutions and government agencies.

Graduates of the department apply the knowledge and practical skills acquired during their studies in information technology, programming, cybersecurity, and protection of information and communication systems, which is one of the components of the security of the modern civilized world.
At the current stage of its development, the department has focused its primary efforts on the introduction of innovative technologies and methods in the educational process, namely:
- computer classrooms are equipped with modern technology and the necessary software;
- course projects and qualification papers are defended using interactive technologies and computer equipment;
- the Moodle virtual learning environment is actively used, and cloud resources are being introduced to store and transmit information;
- improved system of master's level competencies based on their harmonization with the requirements of employers.
These activities aim to raise the educational process to a new level of professional activity for students and contribute to improving the quality of education.

During their studies, our students acquire knowledge and practical skills that help them realize themselves as information and cybersecurity specialists in various fields in Ukraine and abroad. The following professionally oriented disciplines help them to do so:
- English for professional purposes
- Penetration testing of information systems
- Design and support of information security systems
- Monitoring and management of information security
- Building cryptosystems and managing cryptographic keys
Also, within the framework of the individual learning trajectory implemented in the educational process of Khmelnytsky National University, students can additionally, at their request, choose disciplines that will allow them to gain more profound knowledge, both in the field of cybersecurity and in any other field, and thus independently from their future competencies. Among the complimentary choice disciplines taught to masters of the speciality “Cybersecurity” are the following:
- development of computer systems on the Java platform
- digital forensics
- reverse engineering
- protection and monitoring of computer networks
- processing of restricted information
The level and quality of knowledge that can be obtained during study at the department allows a graduate to work:
- Head of the information and/or cybersecurity service of institutions and enterprises
- Information security systems manager
- Developer of secure software
- Security analyst for information and telecommunication systems
- Security threat analyst
- Analyst of information security systems and vulnerability assessment
- Specialist in the organization of protection of information with limited access
- Specialist in the organization of information security
You will have all the prerequisites to take up the above positions:
- financial organizations and public administration bodies
- law enforcement agencies, special communications and information security
- departments for combating cybercrime
- departments of information security and cyber defence systems maintenance
- large IT companies in Ukraine (EPAM Systems, Infopulse, etc.) and the world (Microsoft, Samsung Electronics, etc.)
- research centres.
The department's cooperation with state, industrial, and commercial enterprises of the region and domestic and foreign educational institutions is reflected in the organization and conduct of joint research and in the undergraduate and graduate internships.
Therefore, the competitive advantages of our graduates are:
- the possibility of obtaining a double diploma in Ukraine and Poland
- the opportunity to obtain certificates of the international academy Cisco, which is a partner of the department
- improving English language training and international communication experience
- professional practice, both in government agencies (State Special Communications Service, National Police of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) and in the private sector (banking, enterprises, institutions, organizations), and prospects for further employment in these institutions and organizations.
The primary research at the department is conducted in the following scientific areas:
- protection of confidential information in information and communication systems
- artificial intelligence in solving security problems of information and communication networks