For school graduates

 In 2024, for admission to a bachelor's degree after completing 11 grades based on complete general secondary education (after this - CGSE) the desired results NMST 20222023 or 2024 year, and the results of the EIE 2021 of the year.

In 2024 NMST 2024 consists of compulsory subjects (Ukrainian language, mathematics, and history of Ukraine) and an additional subject of the applicant's choice (physics or a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish), chemistry, biology, geography, or Ukrainian literature). You can also use the results of NMST 2022 or 2023 year (it is not possible to combine the results of NMST-2022 and NMST-2023) or the results of EIE 2021 of the year.

IMPORTANT! The competitive score for admission on the basis of the CGSE to state-funded places may not be less than 130 points, at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities 100 points..

In 2024, to obtain Bachelor's degree in education a prerequisite is a motivation letter. Motivation letter - is a brief (one or two pages) written statement by the applicant about his or her personal interest in entering a particular educational program (speciality, educational institution) and the corresponding expectations, achievements in studies and other activities, and his or her strengths and weaknesses. (For more details, see the section: Motivation letter).

Starting from July 1, 2024 You need to create an applicant's electronic account on the website .

In the period from July 19 to July 31, 2024 create electronic applications in your e-cabinet on your own or by contacting the electronic application centre of KNU ).

More information about the deadlines and key dates can be found at link .

Information on admission to the Bachelor's degree program applicants who have already received a bachelor's degree in the ”Second higher education“ .

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Cheshun Viktor Mykolaiovych