The Department of Cybersecurity was organized in 1989 as part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Radio Electronics and was called the Department of Electronic Computing Systems.
At that time, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bardachenko V.F. The department's part-time staff included PhD Grafov R.P. and three assistants.
In 1991, the department was included in the newly created Faculty of Radio Electronics. At that time, the department had two associate professors (PhD in mechanical engineering), one associate professor (PhD in engineering) and three assistants. The department had one research and four teaching laboratories.
In October 1992, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor Lokaziuk V.M. The department began to intensively create training laboratories and train highly qualified specialists. Teachers of the department worked on the problems of technical diagnostics of computing devices and systems at the research laboratory for diagnosing microprocessor devices, which were located at the research and experimental base of the institute. At that time, the department had two associate professors (Doctor of Technical Sciences), two part-time associate professors (Candidate of Technical Sciences), and five assistants. Since 1995, the department has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. Lokaziuk. Highly qualified specialists from other universities were systematically involved in teaching lectures, in particular, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M. Baida, Doctor of Technical Sciences O. Rotstein and PhD, Associate Professor S. Perevoznikov from Vinnytsia Technical University.
In 1996, the Department of Electronic Computing Systems was renamed the Department of Computer Systems and Networks.
Since then, the department has come a long way from its initial formation to its establishment as a graduating unit with the highest rating indicators. Since June 2005, the Department of Computer Systems and Networks has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Myasishchev.
In 2016, in connection with the opening of a new specialty “Cybersecurity”, the department was renamed to the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer Systems and Networks.
On September 1, 2019, the department was headed by Yurii Pavlovych Klets, PhD, Associate Professor.
In the spring of 2021, the department successfully accredited the educational program 125 “Cybersecurity” at the bachelor's level.
Due to the increase in the number of students, from September 1, 2021, the department changed its name to the Department of Cybersecurity and moved to the 4th academic building and increased the number of training laboratories.
In the fall of 2022, the department successfully accredited the educational program 125 “Cybersecurity” at the master's level.

The department's staff consists of teachers with academic degrees, who actively conduct research and improve the organization of the educational process. Every year, the Department of Computer Systems and Networks wins prizes in the competition of graduating departments of Khmelnytsky National University for the quality of organization of educational, methodological, teaching and research work. The high level of qualification of the department's teachers is a prerequisite for ensuring an appropriate level of training of students as future specialists.

On the basis of the Department of Cybersecurity, specialized laboratories for the security of information and communication systems, integrated security systems, software and hardware security, microprocessor systems, and CAD have been created, equipped with modern hardware and licensed software.

Current contacts of the department are at link.
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